Description of the drug clomid

International name:
Clomifen (Clomifene)

Group Affiliation:

Description of the active substance (INN):

Dosage form:

Mode of action:
Antiestrogen unsteroids structure, the effect of which is due to specific binding of estrogen-receptor ovaries and pituitary. At low concentrations of estrogen in the body shows a moderate estrogenic effect at high concentrations - antiestrogens action. In small doses, increases the secretion of gonadotropins (prolactin, FSH and LH), stimulates ovulation, and in large doses inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins. Gestagen and androgen activity is not.

Infertility: anovulyatornoe infertility (ovulation induction), dysfunctional metrorrhagia, amenorrhea (disgonadotropnaya form), secondary amenorrhea, postkontratseptivnaya amenorrhea, galactorrhea (in the background of pituitary tumor), polycystic ovary syndrome (Stein-Leventhal syndrome), Chiari syndrome, Frommelya, androgenic insufficiency oligospermia, diagnosis of pituitary gonadotrophic function.

Hypersensitivity, hepatic and / or renal failure, metrorrhagia of unknown etiology, ovarian cysts, genital neoplasms, tumor or pituitary hypofunction, endometriosis, ovarian failure on the background of hyperprolactinemia, and pregnancy.

Side effects:
On the part of the nervous system: dizziness, headache, drowsiness, slowing the rate of mental and motor reactions, depression, irritability, insomnia. On the part of the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, stomachalgia, flatulence, diarrhea. Allergic reactions: seldom - rashes, allergic dermatitis, vasomotor disturbances. From the side of the genitourinary system: rarely - polyuria, increased frequency of urination, pain in lower abdomen, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, increase the size of the ovary (including cystic). Other: weight gain, "tides" of blood to a person who rarely - Impaired vision, alopecia, pain in the chest zhelez.Peredozirovka. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, "tides" of blood-to-face, visual disturbances. Treatment: removal of the drug (symptoms of overdose are your own).

Dosage and administration:
To stimulate ovulation appoint 50 mg 1 time a day at bedtime, starting at 5 days of the menstrual cycle, within 5 days (in the absence of the cycle - at any time). In the absence of effect (ovulation does not develop within 30 days) increase the dose to 150 mg / day or lengthen the course to 10 days. Heading dose should not exceed 1 in Development of ovulation is determined by the presence of biphasic basal body temperature, the average cyclical increase production of LH, an increase of serum progesterone during the probable mean phase lyuteinizatsii or menstrual bleeding, women with amenorrhea. If ovulation has occurred, and no pregnancy, you should repeat the reception of the same dose at the next cure. If, after probably held ovulation was no menstrual bleeding, should take into account the possibility of pregnancy, and before a new course of treatment that possibility should be excluded. Men were appointed to 50 mg 1-2 times a day for 3-4 months (requires systematic monitoring spermiogram).

Increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancy. The drug is effective at a sufficient level of endogenous estrogen is less effective at low levels of estrogen and practically ineffective at low concentrations of gonadotropic pituitary hormones. In the course of treatment must be continued monitoring gynecologist should exercise control of ovarian function, vaginal studies, to observe the phenomenon of "pupil". During the period of treatment must be careful when driving and other lesson potentially dangerous activities which require high concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Compatible with preparations of gonadotropic hormones.

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At low concentrations of estrogen in the body shows a moderate estrogenic effect at high concentrations - antiestrogens action. In small doses, increases the secretion of gonadotropins (prolactin, FSH and LH), stimulates ovulation.
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